This tonie invites young audiences to embark on a vibrant and enchanting musical journey alongside the adorable character Beep from the beloved Netflix show Ask the StoryBots. This delightful album features a compilation of captivating songs that entertain, educate, and inspire children in the most delightful way possible.
The album opens with Beep's infectious energy and eagerness to explore. Through a series of catchy tunes, Beep, along with the other StoryBots, immerses listeners in a world of imagination and discovery. Each song is meticulously crafted to engage young minds, creating a seamless blend of entertainment and education.
This Tonie teaches kids about:
1. A Beautiful, Beautiful World (Earth)
2. We Are The Planets
3. Triceratops
4. Stegosaurus
5. He's A Rhino
6. Big Brown Boogieing Bear
7. He's A Zebra
8. Food Into Energy (Stomach)
9. Bones In Your Body
10. Alright, It's White
11. Let's Wait For Yellow
12. Everybody Loves Oranges
13. Love Is Red
14. The Mulberry Bush
15. Feelin' Sad And Blue
16. Grumpy As A Grizzly Bear
17. The Bear Went Over The Mountain
18. Rain, Rain, Go Away
19. Four Seasons
20. Seconds, Minutes And Hours
21. Seven Days
22. Comin' Round The Mountain
23. Down By The Bay
24. In An Airplane
25. Riding On A Train
26. Workin' On The Railroad
27. Farmer
28. Old MacDonald Had A Farm
29. Hooray for A
30. Ten Little StoryBots
31. The More We Get Together
Total Run Time: 34 minutes